CONTRADICTION V this SundayJust to let all you guys know again, I'll be hosting our annual queer literary reading this coming Sunday:
ContraDiction VSunday, 30 August, from 7-10pm 72-13 Mohamed Sultan Road, 2nd floor(
Here's how to get there.)
Part of the
IndigNation Pride FestivalI've curated and emceed this edition, and I'm very happy with the standard of writing that's being represented, as well as the established and emerging faces who'll be present. It'll be very casual, so even if you're just curious and feel like sticking your head in a while for sh*ts and giggles, feel free. Be warned, though: seats fill up fast. Fortunately, there will be beanbags.
This year, our guests include Robin Loon, Jasmine Seah, Leona Lo, Michael Corbidge, Lee Yew Leong, Irfan Kasban and Iris Judotter, to name just a few!
Hope to see you there!